hello and welcome:)

hello and welcome:)

Monday, July 26, 2010


Old folks believed that if you don't blink when you sneeze, your eyes will fly out of your head. Thankfully, as is often the case with urban legends, this theory is a load of hooey. Your eyeballs are safe and sound in their sockets.

In reality, a sneeze is simply an involuntary nervous response to nasal irritation. The sneeze impulse affects a variety of body parts, including the abdomen, chest, neck, and face. During a sneeze, the impulses that travel through your face cause your eyelids to blink. This response is entirely automatic. There's nothing you can do about it. Sneezing puts a lot of pressure on your head and respiratory system, so blinking is probably a protective mechanism.

The point is that all of these responses (the abdominal contraction, the sharp burst of air out of your lungs, the general lunging movement) are intertwined. When you sneeze, you can't do one without the other.

interesting facts about PIGS!!!

Most animals are designed with their bodies to be able to get to their food sources and to escape from danger. So, for giraffes, they have a neck pointed to the tops of the trees. For pigs, their heads are directed downwards. They can only move the head up enough to be level with their backs. This doesn't allow for any 'star gazing' but does allow them to do everything else the pig needs to do in it's life. While this along with other conformational changes are not typical of what we consider 'good conformation' on other animals (for instance they are extremely upright in both the front and rear legs) they are built very well for eating off the ground and for escaping from predators which is what has allowed them to not only proliferate in areas to which they are native but also to do extremely well in areas where they were introduced by humans.HENCE O SUMMARIZE...PIGS CAN'T LOOK AT THE SKY!!!